About me
My name is Jacob Peters. I was born and raised right here in Northwest Arkansas. Specifically, Lowell, AR.. In addition to photography I am also really into music. I don't mean I listen to the radio alot, I play bass and guitar and listen to pretty much any and every genre.
My wife and I live in Lowell, AR with our newborn daughter Olivia and our two cats, Shakira and Maple. Shakira has a cleft lip and is a mustache cat. Maple is a calico with lots of spots and a big appetite.
My wife Kristine has also started shooting weddings with me which is awesome!
My wife and I have been married for 5 years. One month after we got married I bought my first camera. Inspired by my Aunt who photographed my wedding.
If you're a car person and this matters to you, my car is a 1997 Suzuki Sidekick JLX Sport and I LOVE IT! #JDMlife
If there are questions I did not answer and you are curious about our life and what we're about. Reach out!

"finding beauty in the
details most people wouldn't notice"